Welcome to A Merry Loner

Hey, there. I’m Meredith, an American writer living in France. 

I like sitting in a pub reading by myself (sometimes with coffee, sometimes with tea, and sometimes with pastis.) 

When I read something really interesting, I get all worked up and want to tell everyone I know (usually while waving my hands around a lot and talking a bit too loudly). 

I occasionally write poetry. And I occasionally write poetry in French. 

Creating Happiness No Matter What Life Is Like

I started A Merry Loner because I’m tired of the word “loner” getting a bad rap.

A loner isn’t lonely. She’s not a misfit or an outcast. And a loner isn’t anti-social. He likes people and has lots of friends.

So what is a loner?

A (merry) loner is someone who knows how to create their own happiness—and they’re not afraid of going it alone.

I believe that once you learn to be happy on your own, then you can do anything. 

Life is unpredictable. Be happy in spite of it all. Join The Merry Loners

So, what do you say? Do you want to be independent together? 

Then I invite you to join me here for musings about finding merriment among the monotony, misery, and malaise (AKA reflections for your pondering as we all slog through this thing called life). 

You’ll get a newsletter once a week on Monday. (Fair warning: It’ll hit your inbox at any time that suits my fancy because, you know, life happens.)

Many thanks in advance for your time and your consideration.

Very sincerely,

Now Go On Your Merry Way

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It's time to change what it means to be a loner. The newsletter about creating happiness no matter what life is like. Because once you learn to be happy on your own, then you can do anything.


An American writer living in France who likes sitting in a pub reading by herself. I'm on a mission to change the idea of what it means to be a loner. Because a loner isn't lonely—they just know how to create their own happiness.